I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 104:33

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wedding Season has officially begun!

May 23 & 24, I spent a very relaxing weekend in Murfreesboro, TN at my cousin Justin's wedding. They had a gorgeous outdoor ceremony, and I had a great time getting to see some of my out of town family. It was an honor to sing at the wedding too! Justin's new bride, Lacee, did sign language to "Inside Your Heaven" as a surprise gift to Justin while I sang. So sweet! :)

Spending a lazy afternoon around Cedarvine Manor was fabulous! I even found time to wander down by a small pond on my own and spend a little time writing. There's nothing more relaxing and inspiring than enjoying the nature God created with no time constraints. It was an added blessing during the weekend.
Hi everyone! Welcome to my website!!! I'm sooo excited to finally have this up and running! Thank you so much to Dale McNelly for his fabulous work and kindness! Keep visiting the site for updates on what's coming up.

The countdown is on...4 days to Riverbend! I would love to see you there! (Busch Gardens stage @ 4:30pm, Tuesday, June 10) Check out
www.riverbendfestival.com for info about the event. Hope to see you there!